Sunday 8 October 2017

Nashoba, Base Green, near Wetherden, Suffolk

We arrived here on Friday having had a relatively uneventful trip across from Oxford on the A40 and M40, joining the M25 before heading north and across into Suffolk on first the A11 then the A14. We decided that this route via major motorways, although longer than the alternative across a maze of roundabout-ridden A-roads, would make for a more straight forward trip, something we would not have decided to do had we consulted Chris’s sister first. She subsequently told us a horror story of delays when delivering one of her daughters to Stansted Airport  just the week before.

After packing up camp on Home Farm, our hostess came over to wish us well whilst carrying a cherry pie over to the gate sale table. She sells jars of jam and baked items as an aside to the little camp, supplementing their pensions and any income that might be generated from the small land holding behind the house. I asked if she made crab-apple jelly from the fruit laden trees which formed our privacy hedge; she told us she never had but that the birds arrived in January to feed on the apples, still hanging on the tree after a further two months of autumn winds. However she said she did make apple pies with the Bramley apples of which there had been a heavy crop this year. In fact one of those pies was there on the table having been cooked earlier in the morning. I remarked that we loved apple pies and committed to the purchase before learning her price. The £2.80 was somewhat heftier than the £1 we have been regularly paying at all of the main stream superstores. Chris was appalled and reckoned it would have to taste three times better to warrant the exorbitant price; I can report that it was certainly twice as good, but I shall try to be a little less spontaneous in future. Chris was also concerned on another level, having seen the interior of her kitchen.

On arrival at our new “home” for the next week or so, our host was pleased to see us again, and was happy to chat; something he excels at. He explained the problems he has been having with moles and showed Chris his traps. These seem to have been occupying his time more than the progress on the bathroom block; I had been hoping he might have got around to installing the promised washing machine. Sadly, not.  

Today we have been spring cleaning the van; Chris up on Ivan’s ladder on the roof before washing the outside of the van whilst I crawled into cupboards scrubbing and vacuuming, not necessarily in that order. Over the past couple of days we have caught up with Chris’s sister and one niece, as well as securing a date for a family dinner the week after next. Tomorrow we will check out garages in Bury St Edmunds for an annual service and other like matters. It looks like a fortnight of bits and pieces ahead, although I have managed to interest Chris in a few places around the county I wish to check out before we leave.

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