Monday 5 June 2017

Kendeline Fields Farms, Claybrooke Parva, near Lutterworth, Leicestershire

We were away soon after 10 am, glad to have packed up before the forecasted rain, yet not expecting to be so lucky the other end. It was a relatively uneventful trip on the M1 for most of the way, three lanes of nose to tail trucks and other vehicles all travelling close to the speed limit, however there is nothing as a 100% perfect or imperfect trip.

As we pulled out of the Camping & Caravan Club Site at Milton Keynes, we were treated to a close-up of a Green Woodpecker, the first time I have absolutely identified this lovely bird. This was a positive; the next little happening less so. 

We were making our way around one of the dozens of roundabouts on our way to the M1 when I heard an alarm; was it an emergency vehicle? No; was it an alarm going off in one of the distribution warehouses tucked away behind the dense hedges of trees? It followed us too far to be that and I suggested to The Chauffeur it might be the delinquent caravan we were towing. Last year when we had been camped up at Onehouse near Stowmarket, we had gone out for the day, setting the security alarm on to guard against errant opportunists, and been told in no uncertain terms on our return that the alarm had gone on and off all day, most upsetting for all seeking peace and quiet by the fishing lake. We decided never to bother with it again so this audio intrusion this morning was a bit of a surprise. It stopped after a while, then again when we reached the motorway. Fortunately I managed to turn it off from the moving vehicle. I suspect that Chris had inadvertently set it off in his pocket; he is like so many men who insist upon stuffing their pockets with wallets and keys and anything else that might be required. It does not matter than a man’s wife might remark that the trousers would look so much better if there were not a bulge in odd places; it seems it is only women who are vain enough to consider their “ligne”.

The third matter was of a more serious nature and it will remain so until we have it fixed. When I was packing up the interior of the caravan this morning, I found a puddle of water which I traced back through under one of the seats, through sodden cardboard and possessions, to the water heater and pump. There is a leak that requires attention, and even after Chris had tinkered with it after we arrived this afternoon, the leak is still there whenever we use the pump.  The problem seems to be more than a few loose screws.

And so we found our way to this farm, a Camping & Caravan certified site. We are the sole guests or at least for the next few days. There is a small fishing pond down the back, yet to be properly explored and excellent facilities along the farmyard wall. We have pulled out our maps, travel guides and the few brochures from the information room, and compiled a list of attractions to visit. Alas the weather forecast for the week ahead is not great so we will have to pick and choose carefully so we can maximise the best days for outdoor activities. However our first task tomorrow will most likely be to locate a caravan fix-it man.

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