Thursday 7 July 2016

7 July 2016 - Lakeside Fishing & Camping, Onehouse, near Stowmarket, Suffolk

The River Linnet
Continuing in down-time mode, we rose late, rang through to a CL up near Preston to book a camping spot, now organised well into August.

After learning that Chris’s sister had her social calendar full for the day, we decided to pack a lunch, and head into Bury St Edmunds for Chris to have his haircut by the excellent barber used about six weeks ago. While he was waiting his turn, I wandered off into the shopping centre as you do, in and out of clothing retail stores, so many having amazing sales, and had a shirt leap off the racks screaming “Buy me, buy me!” Well, what could I do? 

Once The Chauffeur was groomed to perfection, we continued on to Ickworth House, the National Trust property on the south west edge of the city, a delightful spot we have visited twice before and may well return to again and again. We picnicked in the grounds then set off on foot on the four mile cycle route, through pastoral woodland, crossing the River Linnet, here not much more than a trickle in a ditch, up past ripening wheat and under blue skies smattered with fluffy white clouds.

We passed through small flocks of sheep, all of whom considered the temperatures too hot for effort and the sun too bright to bathe in. They gathered around the base of the oaks and other wonderful large trees, often ignoring the patches of nettles concentrated in the same areas.
Sheep seeking shade

We left the path, and walked further up to the canal lake below the walled gardens, those walked through some months ago. The cultivated garden plants were past their best but the wild flowers were just glorious, better on closer scrutiny because their colours are more subtle. Here we encountered many other visitors to the Park, and joined the better formed paths to return to the car park.
It was suggested that I drive home, a sensible idea since I have only driven once since we have been here. I do make a better Back-seat-driver or passenger, but today took my position behind the wheel and we made our way home through the city, along the dual carriageway, into Stowmarket to shop and then home on the small roads without event, other than one stalling incident and unacceptable riding of the clutch. I should drive more often and then I would return to better competency.

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